The Short Name for the Loooong Game
Time Line for Greedville
1600 - 1850
1600 - BIEC December 31 - British East India Company chartered by Queen Elizabeth I of England. The
Company raised its own army, subjugated the native people, and ruthlessly sucked out the
wealth of India into the pockets of its owners and shareholders. The First Era of Mercantilism
had begun. The use of government to optimize profits through corporations began to change
the face of the world, merging government with corporations. National navies, once viewed
only as weapons to defend a nation, now extend their utility as agents supporting profits.
1606 – OPIUM WAR
Ships, chartered by Queen Elizabeth I, first instructed to transport the finest opium from India
back to England.
1608 – BEIC Sir Thomas Roe reaches the court of the Mughal Emperor, Jahangir, as the emissary of
James I. He negotiates on behalf of the British, obtaining the right to establish a factory
at Surat. Over the next years the British begin to overshadow the formerly dominant Portuguese
and with a massive expansion of their trading operations in India. Trading posts are established
along the east and west coasts of India. Significant English communities develop around the
towns of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras
1717 – BEIC The Company receives a firman or royal dictat from the Mughal Emperor exempting the
them from the payment of custom duties in Bengal.
1651 – BEIC Navigation Act, prohibits foreign vessels from engaging in coastal WAR with England,
requiring all goods imported from the continent of Europe be carried on either an English vessel
or a vessel registered in the country where the goods originated. WAR between England and its
colonies must be carried out in either English or colonial vessels. The reaction begins.
1663 – BEIC The Staple Act extends the Navigation Act, requiring all colonial exports to Europe be
through an English port before being again exported to other destinations in Europe.
The target of both England and France are the Dutch, who have dominated commercial
1661 – 1683 - In France, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the minister of finance under Louis XIV, increases port
duties on foreign vessels entering French ports and provided bounties to French shipbuilders.
1680 - OPIUM WAR English apothecary, Thomas Sydenham, introduces Sydenham's Laudanum, a
compound of
opium containing sherry wine and herbs. Its potency as a pain killer makes it a
popular remedy for many ailments.The use of opium in China is spreading, as the Dutch
merchants introduce
the use of pipe for opium–smoking.
1729 -
1750 - BEIC -
1757 – BEIC The Company continues its transformation from trading venture to a ruling enterprise.
Robert Clive, one of its military officials, defeats the forces of the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-
daulah at the Battle of Plassey.
1767 – OPIUM WAR Number of chests imported illegally reached two thousand a year.
1769 – BEIC The famine (1769-70), which the Company's policies does nothing to alleviate, causes
massive death in the formerly prosperous area of Bengal. Reports indicate as many as a
third of
the population may have died. Bengal is left in a state of utter destitution.
1773 – BEIC The Regulating Act of 1773, which provides for greater parliamentary control over the
affairs of the Company and also places India under the rule of a Governor-General, is passed.
The measure is also known as Lord North's India Bill. The first Governor-General of India was
Warren Hastings, who occupied that high position from 1773 to 1784.
1776 – Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith, is published, providing a liassez-faire analysis of
1784 – BEIC Cornwallis, followed Hastings as Governor-General. It was Cornwallis who initiated the
Permanent Settlement, an agreement in perpetuity with zamindars or landlords for the collection
of revenue. For the next fifty years, the British continued attempts to eliminate Indian rivals, a
state achieved under the administration of Wellesley.
DECEMBER 14 - Alexander Hamilton submits a plan for a bank of the United States, mainly as a
vehicle for the funding of debts under the Assumption Act and to establish credit.
FEBRUARY 25 - The bank of the United States is chartered.
MARCH 1-2 - Congress debates the propriety of Alexander Hamilton's conduct of his office as
Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing irregular is discovered.
APRIL 2 - Congress passes the Coinage Act, which establishes a mint and prescribes a decimal system
of coinage.
FEBRUARY 2 - Alexander Hamilton resigns as Secretary of Treasury.
OPIUM WAR The British East India Company establishes a monopoly on the opium WAR. It
prohibits all poppy growers in India from selling opium to any of the competitor trading companies.
Buying a "license" to grow opium does not provide protection from competition to poppy farmers. They
learn they would be punished if they didn’t produce as much opium as expected.
OPIUM WAR China's emperor Kia King, forbids the use of opium due to enormous increases in
usage. Edict is not enforced because of Britain's mercantile marines.
OPIUM WAR The British Levant company is purchasing nearly half of all the opium coming from
Smyrna, a Turkish city in Asia Minor, strictly for importation into Europe and the United States.
OPIUM WAR A smuggler from Boston, Massachusetts, Charles Cabot, attempts to purchase opium from
the British, then smuggle it into China under the auspices of British smugglers.
JANUARY 24-FEBRUARY 20 - Congress debates renewal of the charter for the Bank of the United
MARCH 4 - - The Bank of the United States is closed permanently.
The War of 1812 breaks out with Britain.
JUNE 15 – England and its allies defeat Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.
DECEMBER 5 - President Madison proposes a second Bank of the United States to succeed the
first Bank that failed to be rechartered in 1811.
MARCH 14 - Congress creates the second Bank of the United States
OPIUM WAR John Jacob Astor of New York City joins the opium smuggling WAR. His
American Fur
Company purchases ten tons of Turkish opium then ships the contraband item to
Canton on the
Macedonian. Astor would later leave the China opium WAR and sell solely to
JANUARY 7 - The second Bank of the United States is opened.
OPIUM WAR Writer John Keats and other English literary personalities experiment with opium
intended for strict recreational use – simply for the high and taken at extended, non-addictive intervals
OPIUM WAR Chinese use of Opium declines
OPIUM WAR Thomas De Quincey publishes his autobiographical account of opium
addiction, Confessions of an English Opium-eater.
OPIUM WAR - E. Merck & Company of Darmstadt, Germany, begins commercial
manufacturing of morphine.
SEPTEMBER 11 - The Anti-Masonic party acquires national status by holding a convention in
DECEMBER 6 - President Andrew Jackson attacks the Bank of the United States.
OPIUM WAR The British dependence on opium for medicinal and recreational use reaches an
all time high as 22,000 pounds of opium is imported from Turkey and India.
Jardine-Matheson & Company of London inherit India and its opium from the British East India
Company once the mandate to rule and dictate the WAR policies of British India are no longer
in effect.
SEPTEMBER 26 - The Anti-Masonic party holds a national convention in Baltimore.
MARCH 17 - The Banking Select Committee said: "That the consequences of the present, is that the
currency of the United States is bank notes, to the exclusion of the precious metals. The exclusion of
gold and silver coins from circulation is a serious defect, which ought not to be tolerated, and which
should be speedily remedied. There is not an example on record of the successful issue of a paper
currency, and our experiment has been too short and dubious to prove its suitableness as a permanent
JUNE 11- A bill to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States is submitted by Congress.
JULY 3 - The Bank bill is approved.
OCTOBER - The Anti-Masonic party backs Andrew Jackson, and he is re-elected.
OPIUM WAR Codeine was extracted from opium.
JUNE 1 - The Secretary of Treasury refuses to follow the order of President Jackson to distribute the
Bank of United States funds into State banks.
SEPTEMBER 18 - President Jackson reads to his cabinet a paper drafted by the Attorney General as to
the reasons why the federal deposits should be removed from the Bank of the United States.
DECEMBER 26 - Senator Henry Clay offers two resolutions of censure against President Jackson for
his plan to remove deposits from the Bank of the United States.
MARCH 17 - Representative Gillet, a member of the Banking Select Committee, concurred in the
expediency of increasing the circulation of gold coin, arguing that, "under the paper system, banks have
broken, and on whom did the loss most severely fall? Upon the poor, who understood little of the
condition and credit of banks. The wealthy usually foresaw the evil and protected themselves."
MARCH 28 - The Senate approves the criticizing of President Jackson.
APRIL 4 - The House passes four resolutions sustaining the bank policy of the Jackson administration.
APRIL 15 - President Jackson makes a formal protest to the Senate concerning its resolution of censure.
MAY 7 - The Senate refuses to enter President Jackson's protest in its journals.
DECEMBER 1 - President Jackson declares that the national debt will be paid off JANUARY 1, 1835.
JANUARY 30 - There is an attempt to assassinate President Jackson.
FEBRUARY 18 - The Bank of the United States charter expires, the Bank receives a charter in
DECEMBER 5 - President Andrew Jackson said in his message to Congress: "It is apparent from the
whole context of the Constitution as well as the history of the times which gave birth to it, that it was
the purpose of the Convention to establish a currency consisting of the precious metals. These were
adopted by a per-exchange, such as of certain agricultural commodities recognized by the statutes of
some States as tender for debts, or the still more pernicious expedient of paper currency."
OPIUM WAR Elizabeth Barrett Browning falls under the spell of morphine. This, however,
does not impede her ability to write “poetical paragraphs.”
MARCH 18 - Lin Tse-Hsu, imperial Chinese commissioner in charge of suppressing the opium
traffic, orders all foreign WARrs to surrender their opium. In response, the British send
expenditionary warships to the coast of China, beginning The First Opium War.
OPIUM WAR Opium and its preparations are responsible for more premature deaths than
any other chemical agent. Opiates account for 186 of 543 poisonings, including no fewer than
72 among children.
JANUARY 23 - A bill establishing an Independent Treasury is proposed by Congress.
JUNE 30 - The Independent Treasury bill passes the House.
OPIUM WAR New Englanders bring 24,000 pounds of opium into the United States. This catches the attention of U.S. Customs which promptly puts a duty fee on the import.
JULY 28 - A bill re-establishing a National Bank passes the Senate.
AUGUST 13 - The House approves the bill to re-establish the National Bank.
AUGUST 13 - The Independent Act of 1840 is repealed.
AUGUST 16 - President Tyler vetoes the Bank bill.
SEPTEMBER 3 - The Senate approves the second Bank bill for a National Bank under another name.
SEPTEMBER 9 - President Tyler vetoes the second Bank bill.
OPIUM WAR The Chinese are defeated by the British in the First Opium War. Along with paying a
large indemnity, Hong Kong is ceded to the British.
OPIUM WAR Dr. Alexander Wood of Edinburgh discovers a new technique of administering
morphine, injection with a syringe. He finds the effects of morphine on his patients instantaneous and
three times more potent.
AUGUST 6 - The Independent Treasury Act is approved.
OPIUM WAR American Medical Association founded in New York. Their aim is to enhance the status
and income of the subset of healers, of which they are a part. A campaign begins to create a medical
monopoly in America. “Membership in the new organization was open only to "regular"
physicians, whose therapies were based on the "best system of physiology and pathology, as
taught in the best schools in Europe and America." The public had a different view, however.
Official treatments of the time, such as bloodletting and mercury poisoning, harmed and
sometimes murdered patients, causing mass outrage.” ARTICLE
The AMA worried that simply outlawing competition would not override the
public's perversity. The only long-term "remedy against Quackery, is medical Reform, by which
a higher standard of medical education shall be secured." As part of this drive, homeopathic
physicians were expelled from state and local medical societies, even if they were trained in
official schools. The AMA claimed that the public did not know what was good for it and that
the medical establishment must have total control. ARTICL